Monday, October 12, 2009

Some serious sewing, almost too serious

I had so much success at sewing up my messenger bag today, that I passed out due to extreme bliss. It might have also had something to do with me headbanging to Quicksand until I slammed my face onto the sewing machine. But when I awoke, I found the needle bent, bruised, and crying in a fetal position in the corner of the room. Before the poor needle committed suicide I had managed to sew on all the nick-naks, and paddy whacks that hold the bag together, one hole side of the bag, and one little part of the other side. It looks pretty sick so far. I'm hoping I can finish it tomorrow because I really need to go to the post office and my regular back packs abuse me even when I take them on short bike rides. Demolition Man is a great movie. I suggest you watch it asap.

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