Tuesday, December 16, 2008

I love school work that is actually interesting...

"That government is best which governs not at all." - Thoreau

Dear Editor,

After reading Civil Disobedience by Thoreau, I have come to a conclusion that I proudly agree with his statement. “That government is best which governs not at all,” is a bold statement, but a true one. A country without a government would be a much purer country. The justice system is now so corrupt that there is now way of knowing whether the guilty are truly guilty and that the freed truly deserve freedom. Without laws this country would be just as well off, if not better, than it is now.

Anarchy; When most people hear this word, they think chaos. When I hear this word, I think freedom, and peace. I can’t think of a country in this day and age where there is someone in office that I am actually proud of. And I can’t see this ever being accomplished. With no government, there comes equality and justice for everyone. All decisions would be made together, and not by an all powerful dictator. Food and things necessary for life would all be shared and no monetary system would exist.

By doing so, our lives would be free from competition, discrimination and all class systems. Everyone would be on equal levels, and no one would be excluded. Sure there are some setbacks to this approach, but they are all minor. All weapons would be prohibited and there would be no army to speak of. Most weapons that are acquired by street gangs are stolen from the homes, and cars of people that think they need guns and knives for protection, such as my relatives who make their daughters carry guns to school for protection.

The justice system has put many people in jail that don’t belong. Our prisons today are so overcrowded that they have people sleeping on the floor and as many as 5 people to each 2 person cell. Obviously our government isn’t doing a good job of rehabilitating these criminals. If there were no laws prohibiting the use of marijuana and other popular drugs, then our prisons would be free of at least 50% of its inmates. Of course, with no government, there would be no prisons. This is a direct result of their being no laws, and no monetary system. Drugs would be provided to those with addictions, and would be used as a means of slowly separating them from their addiction. If the drugs are provided to the addicts, then they have no reason to steal and kill for money to buy the drugs. Eventually, all drugs would be disposed of.

Some may think these views are too radical and unrealistic, but in my mind this could be accomplished if everyone had some sense, and were willing to fix our troubled ways of thinking and acting. You can find a wrong in everything, but there are too many rights for this to be tossed aside and forgotten. Like Thoreau said, “Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it.”

p.s. If anyone knows where I could obtain a job, it would be greatly appreciated because I have to buy new cymbals. All mine are broken.


Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Past Few Days

I got home from tour/punishment thanksgiving on friday, and have been having a horrible time so far. Yesterday and today I applied for jobs at the shittiest of shit places you could think of:
1. Bowling Alley
2. Long John Silvers
3. Burger King
4. Taco Bell
5. K-Mart
plus many more

I recently downloaded some music from these bands which are awesome and I wish I would have gotten into them sooner:

End of A Year

I suggest you check them out...NOW!

In other news, my next issue of Demo Tapes & Edge Breaks will be much much thicker, and full of more interviews, reviews, cool stories, a whole day worth of vegan recipies, and many more articles. It will also be the only way to get a hold of my new bands demo tape with Porcell (Youth of Today, Judge), yes, that's right. Looking forward to it.