Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tour Sickness

Lately, I have been feeling very depressed. Not in a way like, a girlfriend (or boyfriend depending on whatever you happen to be into) dumped me, or a family member died. More in a way like home sickness. Except it's the opposite. I want to be on tour. Tour for the rest of my life. Live out of a 15 passenger van everyday, all day. Sleep under stars in camp grounds in the middle of the California mountains. Sit in a van for 12 hours at a time with nothing to do but sing along to my favorite records and read Bukowski until my eyes bleed. Play a show in front of 10 people who I've never met before, and not stop until everyone in the room is drenched in sweat. Have absolutely no money, and have to steal food to eat. Wake up in the middle of the night on a long drive and not know where the fuck I am. Hang out with the same 6 people everyday until I know every little minute thing about them. Break down in the desert and climb a mountain. I want to live.

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