Thursday, April 16, 2009

Issue #2 in progress...

The past few weeks I have been putting the finishing touches to Issue #2 of Demo Tapes & Edge Breaks. It has interviews with: Die Young, Seasick, Like Wolves, and Milo Aukerman (Descendents). Also included are two awesomely delicious vegan recipies courtest of Danielle Allen of Offsides, and many reviews of upcoming releases from small bands, to huge bands. I will also be doodling on every extra blank space with each zine having it's own uniqe doodle. speaking of doodle, the artwork (which is pretty much the only good part of my zine) was done by none other than Perry Shall. check his other artwork out here:

So, Issue #2 of DT&EB will definitely be out by the end of next week. I will be setting up a paypal account for the people not in biking distance, and I will also be bring copies on the next summer tour of No Harm Done. Get stoked!

here's some pictures of me printing everything out and my dog...

-Tommy Bahama

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