Wednesday, February 10, 2010

If the world was perfect...

Animals wouldn't be slaughtered for consumption and clothing, everything would be free and it wouldn't cost $1000 to fly to Europe, George Lopez wouldn't have a talk show, and employer's wouldn't hire you based on who you know, or how well you tongue their foreskin.

But, it isn't and in addition to murdering various farm animals for slobbering hillbillies, slaughter houses are the greatest pollutant in existence, you have to be Richy Rich to go on tour in Europe, no one will hire me since I don't have good references or a dude bro hair cut, and George Lopez is constantly yelling about chimichangas through my television.

I haven't been posting at all lately. Mostly because I am back in school again, and actually have things to do. There isn't really a point to this, but I just felt like posting after a delicious hot vegan meal at the Loving Hut with some friends.


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